Wijckel church
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Family of Nicholas^6 Van Wickle
Nicholas^6 Van Wickle (John^5, Nicasius^4 (Nicholas), Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 18 December 1769, NJ
Married: Catherine Van Tine (b. 1773) 1792
1. Samuel^7 Vantine Van Wickle, b. abt 1793
2. Maria^7 Van Wickle, b. 4 February 1796
3. Isaac^7 Van Wickle, b. abt 1806 (some discrepancy abt Isaac's age...1850 census lists him as 28, yet 1860 census lists him as 45--see
census data below. The tombstone data submitted by Pat Horton makes a solid case
for the 1806 birth year.)
4. John^7 N. Van Wickle, b. abt 1810
5. Julia^7 Van Wickle, b. abt 1810/15
(Harry Macy notes a Jacob Van Winkle who d. in Keysport 14 November 1876 at age 72 who might be a child of Nicholas and Catherine.)

(Photo, courtesy of Pat Horton in 4 Nov 2004
email which stated..."As one faces the Van Wickle burial plot (in St. Peter's,
Spotswood, NJ), Maria's tombstone is the first on the left, the next one being
her brother Isaac. Since 1985 when I first saw it flat on the ground, it had
been repaired and raised, although placed in the wrong location, now six feet in
front of where it should be. Maria's tombstone gives her birth and death dates
(b. Feb. 4, 1796, d. Mar. 10, 1884) and the following Biblical command...
'Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord will come.")
Nicholas' parents are John and Ann (Rue) Van Wickle
Catherine's parents are Samuel and Maria (Snedeker) Vantine
Background information:
Nicholas^6 Van Wickle (John^5, Nicasius^4 (Nicholas), Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 18 December 1769, NJ and
bap. 24 June 1770. He died 22 December 1849 and bur. 25 December at St. Peters, Spottswood, NJ. He married Catherine Van
Tine (b. abt 1773, died 18 September 1835 and bur. 20 September at St. Peters next to her husband) abt 1792.
Children: Samuel^7 Vantine Van
Wickle, b. abt 1793 and died abt. 1865. He married Catherine Smith on 25 December 1822
and his 2nd marriage was to Sarah B.; Maria^7 Van Wickle, b. 4 February 1796 and died 10 March 1884 and bur. Spottswood
Cem. next to Isaac. She was a member of St. Peter's as Miss Maria in 1856, 1862 and 1877;
Isaac^7 Van Wickle, b. abt 1806 and d. 1 November 1873. He married Catherine _____;
John^7 N. Van Wickle, b. abt 1810; Julia^7 Van
Wickle, b. abt 1810/15. She married John Striker on 26 February 1838 at St. Peters,
Spottswood, NJ.
Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and
Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 250-1.
L. Irving Reichner, Reichner and Aiken Genealogies; 25 March 1931 (copy #22 of 25 in possession of New York Genealogical
and Biographical Society) Pages sent to me courtesy, Harry Macy, Jr.
IGI; familysearch.com
Harry Macy research notes for Nicholas Van Wickle
On tombstone with Isaac is Maria, b. 4 February 1796, d. 10 March 1884--could be 2nd wife or sister.
(Pat Horton in 22 June 2004 email with
attached death certificate for Maria Van Wickle confirms that Maria is dau. of
Nicklas Van Wickle and therefore a sister of Isaac.Additional photos and
correspondence received from Pat Horton on 4 November 2004)
1830 Middlesex, S. Amboy, p. 263 next to Samuel: m 20; 40 (Samuel); female 15, 20 (Maria), 50 +1 free
1840 m 30 (John), 40 (Samuel) female 40 (Maria) +1 free
NJ in 1793 = listed So. Amboy as Nicholas Vansickle age 22 with uncles Evert and Jacob
1793 appears on So. Amboy rate list first time as NWW, Jr.
1823 on list of St. Peters Parish with wife and son John
Van Wickle et al. - Misc. Records (#4032/4033) Copy obtained
from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey in 1984 Paper #2 states: Samuel
Vantine - d. March 14, 1818 - 85 years old; Maria Snedeker - wife of Samuel
Vantine, d. 11 December 1818, 75 years old. Catharin Vantine, wife of Nicholas
Van Wickle, d. September 18th, 1835, 62 years old
1850 US Census for South Amboy,
Middlesex, NJ lists Isaac Van Wickle, 28, farmer, with
wife, Sarah, 20, Stephen, 3, Isaac, Jr., 2. All b. NJ. Also in household ar
Ellen Van Pelt and Peter Morris. 1860
US Census for South Amboy, Middlesex, NJ lists Isaac Van
Wickle, 45 (age must be in error), with Catherine, 50 (again, age in error),
Stephen, 14, Isaac, 12, and Sarah, 10. All b. NJ
1870 census of South Amboy,
Middlesex, NJ -- Isaac
Van Wickle (45), Catherine (49), Isaac (22), Sarah C. (19). It appears that the "C" in Sarah C. was to differentiate between
Samuel Van Wickle's daughter Sarah who was 25. (Information courtesy of Pat Horton in letter dated 14 August 2001)
1880 US Census for E. Brunswick,
Middlesex, NJ lists Isaac Van Winckle, widower, 30,
farmer, with Maria Van Winckle, 80, keeping house (mother?) This
could be Isaac and his aunt Maria who died in 1884 and is buried next to his
father, Isaac.
Certificate of Death for
Maria Van Wickle. She died 11 March 1884 at age 89
years, one month of "old age." Buried Spotswood, NJ. Last residence was Old
Bridge, Middlesex, NJ. Born NJ and lived entire life there. Father was Nicklas
Van Wickle. (e-copy of death certificate in my possession
- courtesy, Pat Horton)